Our story
Passionate about people & the planet

Barron River Redclaw grow local Australian Redclaw using sustainable aquaponics and permaculture principles.
Our 12ha Redclaw farm is situated in Biboohra on the Atherton Tablelands (70mins west of Cairns) in Far North Queensland). Managed by Rodney Ingersoll aka Aquaponic Gardener, our family run farm is transitioning into a highly sustainable aquaculture & aquaponics facility. With a new sustainability and education focus, this otherwise traditional aquaculture farm established in the 1980’s, is showcasing renewable agriculture principles and sustainable farming practices through educational farm tours, courses and online workshops.
More than just a sustainable Redclaw Farm
Our Redclaw farm is going beyond legislative requirements – instead aiming to meet our personal deep rooted Sustainable development and climate change objectives for water, waste, energy, soil, biodiversity & land management. Our long-term vision is to utilise our Redclaw waste as fertiliser to grow vegetables, herbs and fruit trees and showcase to the community how a large amount of food that can be grown from a small farm footprint.
Taste the difference
We keep all water, waste and nutrients onsite to ensure positive Barron River catchment and Great Barrier Reef benefits. We follow accredited bio-security protocols, use ethical farming practices and work with nature to produce our Redclaw. We don’t ever inject or inoculate our Redclaw. We are a spray free fresh organic farm and don’t use any chemicals, herbicides, biocides, medicines or any other chemical nasties.

Redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus) are a species of tropical freshwater crayfish, native to the upper reaches of rivers in northeastern Australia and Papua New Guinea, including the Gulf River systems of northwest Queensland and the Northern Territory. Today, Redclaw have a much broader distribution, inhabiting most creeks and river catchments in Queensland, including private farm dams, water impoundments, and the Barron River, where our farm is located.
General Biology & Background
Redclaw are robust and adaptable creatures, tolerant of varying water quality and temperature ranges. With a simple life cycle, they are ideal candidates for freshwater aquaculture. Commercial cultivation of Redclaw began in the 1980s, yet total yearly production remains relatively small, with demand far outstripping supply.
Redclaw are distinguished from other crayfish by their size, color, and the presence of four distinct anterior ridges (carinae) on the carapace. They grow quickly and thrive in a wide range of environmental conditions, making them excellent for aquaculture. Redclaw are prized for their clean, sweet taste and high meat ratio.
Commercially farmed throughout Queensland, aquaculture operations like Barron River Redclaw are at the forefront of regenerative and sustainable freshwater crustacean farming. Through innovative practices, process improvements, and ongoing research and development, we contribute to food security and promote the use of indigenous bush food.
Males can reach a maximum weight of 500 g and females 400 g. With their striking appearance, sweet taste, and delicate meat texture, Redclaw are considered premium crustaceans. Progressively farmed in the clean waters of Barron River Redclaw in North Queensland, Australia, Redclaw offers a new taste sensation that is a must for any quality restaurant menu. With meat recovery superior to yabbies and comparable to the slow-growing Western Australian Marron, Redclaw are Queensland’s own freshwater crayfish or lobster. Indigenous Australians have long appreciated the exceptional taste of Redclaw, and now restaurants are starting to feature this delicacy on their menus.

Redclaw & Aquaponic Farm Manager Rodney Ingersoll OBE, has multiple qualifications in Environmental Resource Management from Southern Cross University (SCU), he has a wealth of experience including:
He won the prestigious Science & Engineering alumni of the year in 2017
Rodney is the Vice President of the North Queensland Redclaw Farmers Association (NQ-RFA) which is the peak body that represents redclaw farmers throughout Australia.
He volunteers as a SCU student mentor & maintains a strict Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct maintaining yearly Environmental Practitioner certification, (a rigorous membership which is central to sound environmental practice and the good standing within the environment profession).
He has received several medals of honor from Her Majesty the Queen of England & Commonwealth Realms, Industry and Government for his heart felt 22 years’ practical environmental and community development experience working with traditional Papua New Guineas, Indigenous Australia’s & Government in the areas of Environmental management, Food Security & Community Development.