At Barron River Redclaw, we live & breath environmental stewardship & focused on true sustainability NOT green wash promoted elsewhere!

We aim to achieve or foster optimal environmental outcomes in every aspect of our business. We are qualified environmental managers, lead with our hearts and have the health of our Redclaw, our family, surrounding environment and community always on the top of mind.
Our aim is to develop a high quality, environmentally sensitive farm ecosystem, based on applying sustainable living principles to a traditional aquaculture business. This is evidenced by our environmentally conscious Paddock to Plate farming practices which include:
- Recycling nutrient rich waste water for growing vegetables, fruit trees and herbs in Aquaponics;
- 60kw Solar system to manage water oxygen requirements;
- Utilising natural artesian bore water;
- Managing the natural environment and country;
- Closely mimicking natural ecosystems;
- Caring for people & engaging productively with the local community;
- Living & running a small family business within a small ecological footprint of 12 ha;
- Supporting a sense of wellbeing, creative endeavor and prosperity for all;
- Sharing our learnings with others through online and on farm workshops, courses and camps;
- Ethically harvesting Redclaw quickly;
- Minimising our ecological footprint in all that we do;
Operating Responsibly
At Barron River Redclaw we focus on true sustainability to achieve the triple bottom line (Environment, Social and Economy). As well as being good for the environment, making our farm more sustainable has many other benefits including:
- Cost savings – by spending less on raw materials, energy, water and waste management.
- Business reputation – people may be more likely to support a business that cares about its impact on the environment.
- Resource recovery – reducing, reusing and recycling waste materials is important to minimise environmental impact and can also be profitable long term.
- Work health and safety – reduced use of industrial chemicals and less waste can improve workplace health and safety for all not to mention the fish and vegetable health benefits.
- Legal compliance – all business needs to meet certain environmental legislation. We go above and beyond in our environmental stewardship of this land.
- Community – provides social opportunity for local business, schools and wider community as a center for education and learning;

Global Sustainable
Development Goals

Does a Redclaw and Aquaponics farm need to meet
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals?
No, but we want to!
As we embark on the next phase of our farm sustainability journey, we are guided by, and aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals. The 17 global goals adopted by the UN to assist in transforming our world by 2030.
The changes implemented at Barron River Redclaw will contribute positive change towards this important global agenda.
Working towards these goals shows our concern for the planet and people and our true sustainable mindset. Sustainable Development Goals are the United Nations blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. Learn more and take action. By reviewing the goals and aligning them to fish farm (or any other business) both Social and Environmental sustainability can be achieved.
Blank - Do not use
Energy use
To ensure the health of our fish we need to create a lot of oxygen bubbles. To do this on a commercial scale we require electricity. For this reason, we installed 220 solar panels providing 60kw of clean electricity for over 300 days a year. We are also seeking battery storage technology to allow future energy storage. We are also in the process of replacing older equipment for more energy efficient technology.
Waste use
We are aiming for zero waste to landfill on this farm. We don’t even have a bin service to the farm so we are always thinking creatively to minimise waste. All Packaging is recycled or reused. All fish frames are used as fertiliser for our fruit trees.
Water use
We capture rain water in tanks and surface water in our ponds and dams and recirculate water throughout our farm.
We encourage native fauna and flora and maintain the riparian vegetation along the Barron River through tree replanting, weed removal of understory weeds. We are particularly interested in encouraging native insects and bees as pollinators for our vegetables and fruit trees.
All soil disturbed onsite to build ponds are used to restore and maintain previously eroded gullies to maintain the original landform. The organic soil biota is maintained through nutrient rich fish water. We also improve soil biology by returning grass clippings, pruning’s, creating compost and mulch. We use the permaculture principles of chop and drop to improve natural resources

Barron River Redclaw are members of the North Queensland Crayfish Farmers Association.
Barron River Redclaw Farm under the leadership of Rodney Ingersoll OBE, maintains a range of environmental third-party certifications, qualifications and memberships as part of our families commitment to operating in an environmentally responsible manner growing fish from the Paddock to your plate.

We are CEnvP Certified– The Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme assesses the experience, skills and ethical conduct of environmental and social professionals across Australia, New Zealand and the globe. Rigorous and impartial, CEnvP certification recognises leading practitioners in their fields and gives confidence to clients and the community. Supported by legislation and government recommendations across Australia and New Zealand, CEnvP Scheme certification is the marker for trusted professionals. We have held continuous CEnvP certification since 2nd Sept 2013.
Do we need such certification for a Barramundi and Aquaponics farm? No, yet this certification system supports responsible eco sustainable design practices and ensures transparency, traceability and provides our clients with an assurance that we are committed to conducting our business in harmony with the environment. Keeping this certification is hard work- it requires Rodney to fill out log books for continuous education every year and provide evidence of seminar attendance, publishing papers, articles etc.
SCU University Mentor- After winning the 2017 Alumni of the year for Science and Engineering at Southern Cross University, Rodney Ingersoll OBE was invited to join the university student mentor program. This program offers support and assistance to current third year university students by linking students with an industry expert for practical advice, mentoring and coaching.
Rodney has been a student mentor since 2018 and enjoys empowering the next generation of environmental stewards.
ISO 14001 Certified Auditor– Rodney Ingersoll OBE obtained ISO Environmental Management System (EMS) Auditor certification in 2013 through Exemplar Global. This program provides international recognition for environmental auditors who conduct environmental management system audits based on the ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system standard. Rodney has conducted environmental compliance audits throughout Australia and the Pacific region in Coal, Oil & Gas, Gold mines, large industry, small to medium business and government. This certification is hard work to maintain and involves filling out a professional log, recording continuous education and conducting yearly industry environmental audits.
Does a Barramundi & Aquaponics vegetable farm need such fancy environmental auditor certification?, well no, however you can be rest assured that our farm is clean and green and after conducting over 400 industry environmental audits, Rodney knows how to keep the family farm from slipping into poor practices observed from other sites.